About Frigg
Frigg is the one-stop-shop for renewable energy project financing. Our platform serves as a marketplace for small & medium-sized (1-50 MW) renewable energy projects, an asset class overlooked by traditional financiers.
We work with project developers, investors, asset owners, and external scoring agencies to streamline the financing process to make it more modern, efficient, and transparent.
Through our platform, we standardize the entire project finance value chain, including origination, due diligence, structuring, securitization, financing, and post-investment monitoring & risk management.
Our mission is to make climate-focused projects accessible, manageable, and attractive to investors. By unlocking this asset class and ultimately creating liquidity in the market, we believe we will break down one of the major barriers to climate change mitigation: infrastructure financing.
Join us in our journey towards
making finance more sustainable!
Meet Our Team
Our Achievements
1st place of the Finance & Insurance vertical
of Switzerland’s premier startup competition of 2023
One out of ten winners
of the PwC Scale Sustainable Finance Program of 2023
2nd place Green Fintech Competition
of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) 2023 Green Fintech Competition
Julius Bär
One out of five winners
of the Julius Bär Global Web 3.0 Program of 2023